Friday 27 July 2012

Will you buy these products?

Room 13 was given a writing task last week to write persuasive voice overs for magazine advertisements effectively making them into TV ads.

We were learning to use emotive language to persuade someone to purchase our product.
We wanted to make sure we included...
  • emotive language
  • modal verbs
  • a slogan or a jingle
  • information from the magazine ad but not be a straight copy
Here's what we came up with.  Enjoy.

Dylan, Latham, Keanu and Kurtis present Maggie's Cheese Sauce.

Charlotte, Lucy and Fabienne present Hairy Lemon Drink.

Budget Tyres - brought to you by Jeremy, Jaydon and Mathew

Cadbury Creations - brought to you by Georgia and Caitlyn

Josh and Liam present Vanish

Maggi Noodles - brought to you by Denzil, Kyle and Clark

Jelly Joiners - brough to you by Leslie, Sheetal and Veni

Rubana, Jessica and Krisana present Pantene


  1. I really liked these room 13 and with Mrs Clarkes permission I posted to them to the staff literacy wiki or great practise! Great learning! Miss H

  2. hi jelly joiners are very nice.
    have you looked at our jingles?

    by Shayal and Briana


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